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    Hellblade director Tameem Antoniades left Ninja Theory after over 20 years, Xbox confirms

    Tameem Antoniades (Image credit: BAFTA Guru)

    According to Polygon’s preview of Hellblade II, senior editor Oli Welsh didn’t notice any sign of Antoniades during his visit at Ninja Theory’s office in Cambridge.

    The studio’s founder wasn’t even mentioned during the event.

    An Xbox spokesperson later confirmed to Polygon that Antoniades is “no longer with the studio.” It is unclear when exactly he left the team or what were the reasons behind his decision, but the developer was only involved in the production of Hellblade II in the early stages.

    The game currently has three creative leads:

    • Art director Dan Attwell — worked on all of the studio’s titles since Heavenly Sword;
    • VFX director Mark Slater-Tunstill — with the studio since 2012, previously worked at Headstrong Games and Asylum Entertainment;
    • Audio director David García Díaz — with