Biography of any two famous scientists quotes
Biography of any two famous scientists quotes about nature!
Biography of any two famous scientists quotes
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Set against the Milky Way and Galactic Center, the LMC and SMC is the great comet of 2007, Comet McNaught with the Andes Mountains of Patagonia, Argentina in the foreground.
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The rugged Andes mountains of Patagonia, Argentina appear in the foreground in the featured image above along with the great comet of 2007, the iconic Comet McNaught.
This image was obtained during the Austral Summer (20070126) by Professor Miloslav Druckmueller of the Brno University of Technology, the Czech Republic. It was also featured as the Astronomy Picture of the Day for 14 January, 2018.
Understood within the context of increasing distance, the comet is a foreground object, followed by field stars > magnitude 6, the Milky Way and galactic center, the LMC and SMC.
Scientists are an interesting breed, they are creative, adventurers, critical, and pragmatic.
This may not be the initial subset of people you would look to for inspiration. However, think for