Biography ludwig ingwer nommensen university

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    Biography ludwig ingwer nommensen university

  • Biography ludwig ingwer nommensen university
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  • Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen

    German Lutheran missionary (1834–1918)

    Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen (6 February 1834 – 23 May 1918) was a Danish (now German) Lutheranmissionary to Batak lands, North Sumatra who also translated the New Testament into the native Batak language and the first Ephorus (bishop) of Batak Christian Protestant Church.

    Stephen Neill, a historian of missions, considered Nommensen one of the greatest missionaries of all time. He is commemorated as a missionary on 7 November in the Calendar of Saints of the Lutheran Church with John Christian Frederick Heyer and Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg.

    Nommensen was born in the Nordstrand peninsula in 1834, when the area was part of Denmark before it became part of Germany. In 1846, a horse cart rolled over his legs, crushing them.

    Biography ludwig ingwer nommensen university of london

    The initial prognosis was that he would be unlikely to walk again. After praying for recovery, some three years later, he was able to walk again.

    An interest in Christian missionary work led to