Gaius acilius biography of william hill

  • Gaius acilius biography of william hill
  • Gaius Calpurnius Acilius Aviola DE ROME -...

    Gaius acilius biography of william hill

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  • Gaius Calpurnius Acilius Aviola DE ROME -
  • Acilius, Gaius - northwood - Major Reference Works - Wiley ...
  • Acilius, Gaius um 155 v. Chr -
  • Acilia gens

    Ancient Roman family

    The gens Acilia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome, that flourished from the middle of the third century BC until at least the fifth century AD, a period of seven hundred years.

    The first of the gens to achieve prominence was Gaius Acilius, who was quaestor in 203 and tribune of the plebs in 197 BC.[1]


    The Acilii were particularly fond of the praenomenManius, which they used more than any other.

    They also used the names Gaius, Lucius, Caeso, and Marcus.

    Branches and cognomina

    The three main branches of the Acilii bore the cognominaAviola, Balbus, and Glabrio.[1]

    The Glabriones were the first family to appear in history, and they continued the longest.

    Members of this family have been identified from the third century BC into the fifth century AD, a span of time that no other Roman family can be proved to have bridged. According to Millar, "[t]he one indubitable case of continuity from the re