Lev nikolayevich tolstoy biography videos

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  • Leo Tolstoy Biography - YouTube!

    Lev nikolayevich tolstoy biography videos

  • Lev nikolayevich tolstoy biography videos
  • Lev nikolayevich tolstoy biography videos youtube
  • Leo Tolstoy Biography - YouTube
  • Lev nikolayevich tolstoy biography
  • Lev nikolayevich tolstoy biography videos full
  • Vintage Footage of Leo Tolstoy: Video Captures the Great Novelist During His Final Days


    “My life came to a stand­still,” wrote Leo Tol­stoy in his 1882 con­ver­sion mem­oir A Con­fes­sion, “I could not breathe, eat, drink, and sleep, and I could not help doing these things.” So Tolstoy’s described his “arrest of life,” a peri­od of severe depres­sion that led to a very deep, per­son­al brand of faith in his late mid­dle age.

    The tow­er­ing Russ­ian nov­el­ist renounced world­ly desires and came to iden­ti­fy with the poor, the for­mer serfs of his aris­to­crat­ic class. Tolstoy’s rad­i­cal reli­gious anar­chism in his final years spread his fame far among the peas­antry just as his lit­er­ary achieve­ments had brought him world­wide renown among the read­ing pub­lic.

    So famous was Tol­stoy, William Nick­ell tells us, that Russ­ian crit­ic Vasi­ly Rozanov wrote that “to be a Russ­ian and not have [seen] Tol­stoy was like being Swiss and not hav­ing se