Sir francis drake interesting facts

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    Sir Francis Drake was an English sea captain, privateer, slave trader, naval officer, and explorer of the Elizabethan era. Drake carried out the second circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition, from 1577 to 1580, and was the first to complete the voyage as captain while leading the expedition throughout the entire circumnavigation.

    Take a look below for 30 more interesting and bizarre facts about Francis Drake.

    1. With his incursion into the Pacific Ocean, he claimed what is now California for the English and inaugurated an era of conflict with the Spanish on the western coast of the Americas, an area that had previously been largely unexplored by western shipping.

    2. Elizabeth I awarded Drake a knighthood in 1581, which he received on the Golden Hind in Deptford.

    3. As a Vice Admiral, he was second-in-command of the English fleet in the battle against the Spanish Armada in 1588.

    4. He died of dysentery in January, 1596, after unsuccessfully attacking San Jua