Xan mccurdy biography channel

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  • Xan mccurdy biography channel

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    If you would like to share Cake lyrics with other users of this site, please see the bottom of this page on how to submit Cake lyrics.

    Members include GregBrown (left group 1998), guitar; VictorDamiani (joined group 1994, left group 1997), bass; Vincedi Fiore, trumpet; FrankFrench (left group 1994), drums; JohnMcCrea (born c.

    1965 in Sacramento, CA), chief songwriter, vocals, guitar; XanMcCurdy (joined group 1998), guitar; SeanMcFessel (left group c. 1991), bass; GabeNelson (joined group c. 1991, left group 1994, rejoined group 1997), bass; ToddRoper (joined band 1994),drums.

    Addresses: Record company--Capricorn Records, 1100 Spring St. NW, Ste. 103, Atlanta, GA 30309-3918; Management--Absolute Artists, San Francisco, CA Phone: (404)873-3918; (415)241-7015.

    In 1997, Cake's popularity exploded and their shows sold out across the United States with the release of Fashion Nugget, proving that a modern rock band who performed melancholy pop