Mirka knaster biography of albert einstein
Mirka knaster biography of albert einstein
Mirka knaster biography of albert einstein in english!
Mutual Inspiration: Science and Art
There was a time when I narrowly thought that science and art exist at opposite ends of a spectrum.
It was hard to envision Einsteins and Pollocks collaborating. Yet, according to an article I read last month in the New York Times, that's exactly what's happening at the Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST) of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Cambridge.
Mirka knaster biography of albert einstein for kids
The results are innovative, to say the least.
For example, Brazilian artist Vik Muniz was able to etch superfine lines on a single grain of sand. It took four years of trial and error in co-operation with lab technician Marcelo Coelho at M.I.T's Media Lab.
Muniz used an electron microscope with a focused ion beam to create images of castles. They were then scanned and printed large scale for a series called "Sandcastles."
The article goes on to describe other projects, including the fabrication of art pieces with trained virus cells (!) and Tom