Wyndham lewis bibliography
Wyndham lewis biography.
Painter, Author (18-Nov-1882 7-Mar-1957)
David Ayers. Wyndham Lewis and Western Man. St. Martin's Press. . 251pp.
D. G. Bridson. The Filibuster: A Study of the Political Ideas of Wyndham Lewis. London: Cassell. . 302pp.
Robert T. Chapman.
1918 wyndham lewis novel
Wyndham Lewis: Fiction and Satires. Vision Press. . 191pp.
David Peters Corbett. Wyndham Lewis and the Art of Modern War. Cambridge University Press. . 249pp.
Reed Way Dasenbrock. The Literary Vorticism of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis: Towards the Condition of Painting.
Wyndham lewis bibliography
Johns Hopkins University Press. . 271pp.
Paul Edwards.
Wyndham lewis vortex
Wyndham Lewis: Painter and Writer. Yale University Press. . 583pp.
Ant�nio M. Feij�. Near Miss: A Study of Wyndham Lewis (1909-1930). Peter Lang.
Wyndham lewis bibliography generator
. 217pp.
Toby Foshay. Wyndham Lewis and the Avant-Garde: The Politics of the Intellect. McGill-Queen's University Press. . 177pp.
Andrzej Gasiorak. Wyndham Lewis and Modernism. Northcote Hou